At St. John the Evangelist Catholic School, teamwork is essential to our success. It is evident in our partnership with the parish, our relationships with our school families and the students’ ability and desire to work with and mentor one another. Our students are encouraged, through multiple curriculum objectives and co-curricular opportunities, to work cooperatively with one another.
We offer our students multiple club opportunities. Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts teach citizenship, character and responsibility through fun outings and activities.
We believe that the existence of the arts in school is paramount to the well-being and academic success of our students. In addition to our regular classes in Art and Music, Drama Club and Band offer a wonderful creative outlet for our students. These groups also foster confidence, poise and responsibility.
The ability to analyze information from a variety of media, understand and articulate how that information pertains to one’s own life and the world around us is crucial today. In Debate Club and Book Bowl our students are honing the skills necessary to do just that. Debate Club members remain open-minded as they study current events, looking at each story from various angles. Our Book Bowlers read multiple titles and compete together against other schools to answer test questions pertaining to the titles they’ve read.
The Student Council meets regularly with a staff advisor to coordinate fundraisers, service projects and special activities for the school. Members act as a representative of their class, making sure the wants and needs of the group are heard. Student Council members are elected by their classmates to serve one semester of the school year. Limiting terms to a single semester ensures that more students are given the privilege to serve as a representative of their peers.

Beginning Band
Tuesday mornings before school and
Tuesday, Wednesday and
Friday afternoons during recess
Advanced Band
Tuesday, Wednesday and
Friday mornings before school
Tuesday, Wednesday and
Friday afternoons during recess
Band Program
Band is not a place where students merely learn to play instruments and have fun, though those things do happen. More importantly, it is a place where students are encouraged to imagine and dream, and where a foundation of character and commitment is laid. These are some of the skills that students in band learn to value:
1. Concentration
2. Independence
3. Poise
4. Confidence
5. Dependability
6. Community Leadership
7. Courage
8. Service
9. Vision
10. Compassion
For a more complete explanation on each of these areas we have brochures in the school office.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can my child be in Band and still participate in sports?
Absolutely. The band has students who are in varsity, junior varsity and freshman football, basketball, volleyball, wrestling, cross-country,etc......
Wouldn't my child benefit more academically from structured studies than from Band?
Studies by the College Examination Board show that students with coursework or experience in music performance (such as band) score an averaage of 88 points higher on the SAT than students with no coursework in the arts.
What is the process for getting an instrument?
Obtain from a Music dealer, rent from a Music dealer. Most parents prefer the rent-to-own option.
How much do instruments cost?
Instruments vary in cost depending on which instrument your child chooses and depending on your decision between renting-to-own and purchasing outright.

Drama Club
Drama Club is open to 4th through 8th grade students. We practice once a week from October through March, rehearsing for one performance per year. All participants receive a part and act in the performance. Students involved learn how to speak dramatically, work as a team, and act in front of an audience.